Linda Nygard is a certified Zentangle Method instructor. The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. These patterns are called tangles. You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S-curves and orbs. These simple shapes are the "Elemental Strokes" in all Zentangle art. These patterns are drawn on small pieces of paper called "tiles." They are called tiles because you can assemble them into mosaics.
About Linda:
Linda is a Visual, Literary, and Performing Artist that loves to write short stories, explore Acrylic Pour Painting, and perform Improv. She also teaches those crafts to children in after school programs.
Linda brings Experimental Art, Jewelry, Zentangle, and Drama to Alameda’s AEF after-school programs. She has also taught Art Fundamentals, Ceramics, Mosaic, and Woodworking for other children’s programs.
This mix of teaching opportunities has given Linda the most rewarding “jobs” of her life; fulfilling in that it goes beyond “work” and can only be classified as a “lifestyle.”